2024 Summer Release

Renaissance Edition

“The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.”

Leonardo da Vinci · Notebooks

The learning platform as we knew it is gone. We must transform it for the better. Resculpt it in the image of an AI-augmented world. Now is the time. To start again.

This is Learning’s Renaissance.


Learning goes truly multimodal

Written text is not the only medium for large language models. They can now understand images, video, and sound. We stop dictating the method and let learners design their own experiences instead.

Courses morph into podcasts

Imagine the world’s first dynamic podcast. Creators draft what they want to share, and learners listen on their own terms—changing playback speed, pausing mid-sentence to ask for a re-explanation, quiz question, anything at all.

Learners generate their own programs

From push to pull. Learners simply describe what they want to learn, and the system generates a personalized blended program based on your company’s knowledge base, their individual preferences, and current skill level.

“AI capabilities have taken us to the stage where everything doesn’t need to be a course anymore. Learning will finally be conversational instead of transactional.”

Ross Stevenson · Chief Learning Strategist, Steal These Thoughts

“AI allows us to create learning experiences that are tailored not just to the role and industry, but to the individual's learning preferences, career aspirations, and even their current projects.”

Amber de Wolde · Senior People Partner, Veriff

“Humans have communicated by text roughly for the past 5000 years and it’s unlikely that will disappear anytime soon. What we have to do is to find concepts that allow you to learn better—regardless of format.”

Patrik Hjelm · Director of Product Design, Sana


One-to-many courses give way to one-to-one conversation

The greatest barriers to providing personalized learning are time and resources. With generative AI, those constraints no longer exist. We put a polymath teacher in everyone’s pocket, available 24-7.

Universal support

Questions are at the heart of effective learning. Imagine being able to ask anything about whatever you’re trying to learn—to a system that understands all of the world’s knowledge, your company’s knowledge, and your knowledge.

Pitch perfect

We’re used to waiting for feedback on our assignments. What if we could get it instantly, based on real-life scenarios that AI designs for any function or skill. Learners recite, practice, and perfect. Without any admin overhead.

Actual active learning

Another take on tutoring to deepen understanding and identify knowledge gaps. AI invites you to reflect on what you’ve just learned by completing a sentence. Then provides real-time feedback by analyzing the depth of knowledge in your answer.

“Learning tech has relied on databased knowledge and linear learning paths for so long. With gen AI, we can finally unlock context-specific learning and real-time problem-solving. The whole learning experience becomes so much more dynamic.”

Luke O’ Mahoney · People Experience & Culture Advisor

“We will finally be able to climb the one-size-fits all mountain and provide hyper-personalized learning experiences. This will be freeing for L&D—we can focus on being the best strategic consultants to our organizations.”

Rita Azevedo · Strategic Learning Partner Manager, Sana

“AI can provide the safe space for adults to ask so-called stupid questions without fear of judgement. It’s something we do so intuitively as children and sadly unlearn as adults. Imagine how much, and how much more efficiently, we can learn when we’re free to seek support whenever something is unclear.”

Maria Laxell · Global L&D, Kry


The ROI starts proving itself

We close the longstanding gap between insight and action. Admin ceases to be a bottleneck, teams stops placing content orders, and L&D spends most of its time solving real business problems.

AI takes impactful action

We leverage AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data to improve outcomes for individuals, teams, and the organization as a whole. Sana suggests 10 ideas for improving learning performance before you’ve even had your morning coffee. Then carries out the top 5 by lunch.

“The AI era means L&D can finally put experience before content. We have an opportunity now to stop trying to do everything and focus instead on how the systems we create truly support people to learn effectively—with context and connection at the heart.”

Lavinia Mehedințu · Co-founder, Offbeat

“We always frame Sana’s admin capabilities as an enabler for driving better learning experiences. When you start from that angle, AI is no longer a grandiose concept, but a tool we can leverage to help admins identify gaps and spread knowledge more effectively.”

Sibo Wei · Senior Product Manager, Sana

“We’re in a phase where AI is most useful for augmenting, rather than replacing, established forms of learning content. Take our AI writing assistant. It used to generate entire paragraphs. Now, it completes your current sentence instead, and it’s much more useful that way.

Jesper Sandstrom · Senior Software Engineer, Sana


Content doesn’t die,
it multiplies

Users are in control of how they want to learn, but structured content still has its place. When you need to share a course, it’s more beautiful and effective than ever before.

Spaced repetition with a twist

Courses condense automatically into bite-sized reviews that learners receive at timely intervals to boost knowledge retention. Interactive, personalized, and perfectly swipeable.

One click redesign

The world’s best learning designer is on call. Able to realize all your content ideas at the literal touch of a button. Explore alternative layouts. Tweak color combinations. Swap images. You’ll go from draft to polished course in half the time—with an AI assistant that gets learning design and understands your brand.

“The future we are approaching will require a reimagining of self and world. The future won’t be an upgraded version of the present—everything we do, everything we are—is going to change, has to change.”

Jeanette Winterson · Professor of New Writing and bestselling author

“I think AI can really help revolutionize education in the broadest sense of the word. I love the idea of talking to a real expert who’s willing to answer questions in a way that makes sense to me.”

Max Tegmark · Physicist and AI researcher, MIT

“The AI should know you well enough to know what devices you have in front of you and then generate the the best UI for you based on what it knows about you, based on the context, based on the devices.”

Carl Pei · Founder, Nothing

Favorite features

Shipped since January

Bringing even more delight to how you Learn

Upcoming virtual and in-person sessions show on Home. To drive even more engagement when learners enter Sana.

Drop the word picks up the fun. A delightful icebreaker that lets learners easily share thoughts in live sessions or self-paced courses.

Q&A brings AI tutoring to courses. So every participant can ask questions about what they’re learning. On demand. On their own terms.

Match-pair questions test knowledge. A fresh question type for self-paced courses that’s easy to create and enjoyable to take.

Assessments are more contextual. Learners who fail the task automatically get more support and can toggle between questions.

Easy check-in for in-person sessions. QR codes streamline IRL sessions for everyone involved, letting the facilitator know who’s arrived.

Live session recaps got revamped. Improved AI transcription and summaries make it even easier to stay on top of great group discussions.

A more streamlined sidebar. It’s now cleaner, collapsible, with even more context on where you are in the platform.

Sana Live comes to Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet. Just released in Beta, you can now run interactive live sessions in other video conferencing tools.

Adding new ways to augment what you Create

Courses level up with audio. Upload audio files so learners can tune into podcast episodes and guest lectures at their own pace.

Find content faster. We polished the Create page so it’s easier to find everything you’re working and collaborating on.

AI completes your sentences. It used to generate entire paragraphs, but we learned this was more useful for combatting a little writer’s block.

Chat with your AI writing assistant. Get better results by highlighting text and explaining how you’d like it to change.

The editor got drag and drop. Removing a few steps so it’s quicker and easier to add image, videos, and other files to the right place.

Image resizing is easier. Select Cover to zoom in and fill the frame, or Contain to display the entire image.

Live and in-person sessions can move to Teamspaces. In case you want to limit access to who can see and enroll to either.

Video narrations are uploadable. Now you can reuse what you have as well as recording directly from the editor.

AI generates course descriptions. A handy time-saver if you’ve run out of ideas by the time you’re ready to hit publish.

Leveraging state-of-the-art AI when you Analyze

GPT-4o powers analytics in Sana. Meaning you get faster, more accurate answers to all your learning performance questions.

More data types uncover improvement areas. Drill into results for interactive features like polls, questions, and assessments.

Track your users over time. We’ve made it possible to visualize historical learner data.

See more metrics at a glance. Multidimensional tables make it easy to uncover more insights from a single view.

Dashboards have more sharing permissions. So you can empower more peers to own and track learning performance.

Sort metrics and dimensions faster. With a fresh drag-and-drop interface in the dashboard widget builder.

Get specific with your performance requests. A re-designed chat bar lets you ask more precise questions about content, people, or groups.

More flexible data slicing. Thanks to new undo and redo functionality when you’re designing your data widgets.

Ask AI for the data filters you want. Type the criteria in your own words and Sana will add them for you.

Automating away the manual stuff you Manage

Learners can self-enroll to programs. If you want them to. Once you set the permission, they can get started straight from their homepage.

Better automated email templates. A refreshed design for inviting users, reminding learners, and notifying content creators.

Build your dedicated media library. Available to admins from Manage and accessible from the editor for easy on-brand asset access.

Customize away. Set the domain, terms and conditions, welcome messages, email sender, branding in email templates, and more.

Extra ways to stagger program assignments. Configure the steps based on completion status or specific dates and let them run.

Set approval for in-person events. Decide whether learners should request a spot and who approves or declines.

Trigger manual reminder emails. And drive completion among learners who are yet to finish an assigned program.

A more integrated SCORM experience. Admins can allow SCORM learners to authenticate and take courses with their Sana account.

Build and manage skills in Sana. With AI content autotagging, taxonomy management, badges, leaderboards, and more.

The AI-first learning platform

Every organization that chooses Sana places trust in our technology and our team. We don’t take it for granted.

Thank you for joining us on this journey.


Designed and engineered in Stockholm, Sweden.

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